Get-Real-Project | St. Julian's School
Meet our Get Real! - Ensemble


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e-mail Araby

Araby McClintock

Heya! My name is Araby/Abs/Arabika. I am 13 years old and am going to be 14 in June. I like chatting with my friends, watching scary movies (even though I have nightmares for months), acting and learning history. I love going to discos. My favourite colour is navy blue. I joined this project because I thought it would be fun.

e-mail Ana Carolina

Ana Carolina Saraiva

Hi, I am 16 years old, my b-day is Nov 2nd and I'm scorpio. I have brown hair and eyes, I have freckles and I am 1.68. I was born in Peru, but I'm Portuguese. I lived in Peru for 6 years, Mexico for 8 yrs and Portugal for 2. I speak English, Spanish and Portuguese. I enjoy acting and playing sports. I am a very scientific person as well. I have 5 best friends from different nationalities: American, Indian, Columbian, Portuguese and English. I like meeting new people and I'm fairly outgoing. I adapt well and I'm quite talkative, even though that might not always be a good quality!

e-mail Catarina

Catarina de Faria e Maya

Hey there! People call me Cat. I'm 16 and on my last year of GCSE. I enjoy travelling; I guess it's probably one of the things I love best. I was born in Portugal, but have lived all around the world; from Afrika to South America. So, naturally I have friends from all over. I like swimming, cycling, music and going out. I love the outdoors!

e-mail Xica

Maria Francisca Souto de Moura

Hello, people call me Xica. I've been interested in drama since I was a kid because my mum is a drama teacher, but I havn't been doing drama for a long time. I am a more arty person, therefore theatre is a really fun experience , but what I would really like to be is a fashion designer, not because I love fashion but because I love to make a "different" kind of clothes. I am 16 and I am Portuguese but have lived in 5 different countries.

e-mail Faiza

Faiza Mawji

Hello, I'm Faiza! I play the drums and I love music. Music is my passion, it is the key to my emotions. I'm doing GCSE Drama, as I find it extremely interesting, it opens up my imagination, and takes me to a journey to discover my inner self. I am looking forward to participating in "Quad" as I believe it will open up doors, which I have never entered before, it sounds challenging and creative. I look forward to meeting you all!!

e-mail Georgia

Georgia Munnion

My two main hobbies are drama and basketball. I'm a very creative and artistic person. My dream is to become an actress when I am older. I'm 15 years old at the moment, but I will be 16 in March. I'm in the last year of GCSEs and I am taking Drama, Art and History as my option subjects. I play basketball for a team outside school, four times a week.

e-mail André

Andre Kong

Hi, my name is André and I'm 14!My interests are art, drama and (...)! When I grow up I want to be na architect! I hate sport and my favourite colours are blue, yellow and black. I got into this project because I thought it was interesting and challenging. See you!

Catarina Correia

Hi, I'm Catarina, but people call me Cat. I love singing, dancing painting... I think I am a very "artistic" person. I hate subjects like history, I don't mind writing. I love talking. I have lots of friends at school and out of school. I have a very BIG passion: SPORTS. I LOVE basket ball. I can't live without it. I don't like doing homework. I am a very funny person - love cinema+discos.

e-mail David

David Brooks

Drama has long been a passion of mine and I chose to participate in this project as a way of further developing my acting talents. I have been acting for over seven years and have never had the oportunity of participating in something of such large scale. My hobbies include football and watching the grass grow (i.e. dreaming). I am currently studying in the first year International Baccalaureate. My higher subjects are English A1, Economics and Maths. My standards are History, Portuguese A2 and Physics. I hope to go study in England, preferably London. My ambition is to follow Economics.

e-mail Harriet

Harriet Bowers

Hello, I'm Harriet, I'm 13 and I am British. I like acting, playing sports such as basketball, gymnastics, hockey and sometimes I throw the discus and the javelin. I like reading any sort of book except horror, it's the same with film. I love comedy. My favourite colour is purple. My favourite type of music is R'n'b but I listen to all sorts of music and I love to dance. I love to be with my friends e.g. going to the cinema or just chilling out, or going to parties. I love to laugh lol.

e-mail Karolina

Karolina Svendova

I am intereseted in alternative theatre and art and arts in general. That is why I wanted to be part of this very intersting project. I like dancing and performing as a way of expressing myself. My hobbies are therefore associated with art, dance and drama.
But I also like to do sports and being with my friends, which is very important to me. I really like drawind and taking photographs and I also like to listen to music playing the piano.
Basically in this project I get to do what I really like doing. This project is also very challenging and demanding, but that is what makes it really interesting and worth taking part!

Philippa McLaughlin

I am doing this project because it sounds interesting and different. I wanted to learn broader views of acting. I'm in GCSE Drama, so I was hoping this would help me with the course.